भरणपोषण खारिज कराने के लिए जरूर करे ये काम । 100 % पक्का खारिज होगा । delhi men cell
False Maintenance Orders are being passed based on false allegations despite unrebuttable evidences submitted by the husband and this can be stopped by NOT even preliminary objections. For stopping such illegal orders, LTR 125 WS or LTR MAINTENANCE needs to be filed in such a manner that even a corrupt judge is unable to pass any illegal order as against the husband.
Merely going to High Court or Supreme Court saying that the MM or Judge passed as Illegal Order is a travesty of justice. Why NOT stop the judge itself from passing an illegal order which can be done only with the help of a LTR and NOT by using any advocate.
With the help of aturchatur a LTR can be got prepared by the husband which may be called as LTR WS or LTR REPLY or LTR WS MAINTENANCE. And this may include around 70-80 or many more preliminary objections based on the merit of the case. Only then the Maintenance can be dismissed and NOT without any LTR. Details of LTR may be obtained from 9873540498 or by getting help from DELHI MEN CELL